Racing Winter!
Habitat crews and volunteers are working hard to get two new homes under roof before the snow begins flying in Grand County. The process has gone faster than normal thanks to pre-assembled wall panels from WeBuild, and the dedication of construction…
Habitat at the Festival of Trees!
Habitat Executive Director Lisa Cooper, at left, created an extraordinary Habitat entry for this year's Festival of Trees fundraising event in Fraser. It included cardboard house ornaments that each contained a gold foil-wrapped Ferrero Roche…
Grand County’s Newest Homeowner!
Our favorite parts of the Habitat experience are the home dedications, when staff, volunteers, clergy, elected officials, and Grand County's newest homeowners gathered to celebrate the completion of Habitat's newest home. The Grand Quilters…
House #15 is Underway!
After a productive summer finishing House #14 in Hot Sulphur Springs, our dedicated volunteers recently began work on the storage shed for House #15 right next door. We hope to get it under roof and dried in before the snow gets too deep.